Friday, July 10, 2009

Group learning with Technology.

I've been watching perhaps too many TED videos lately. However, this one in particular got me thinking about the importance of group learning.

There might not be much in there that you don't already know or haven't thought about. It got me to thinking how quickly the world is changing and how little has actually changed about teaching. Not only subjects, but our entire approach. As the world becomes less "top-down", how can our classrooms remain that way without further losing students interest?

Jonassen spoke in "Meaningful Learning With Technology" on page 28, about the concept Marc Prensky describes as "digital natives". Students are born in the technology now and use it in very different ways from many teachers or "digital immigrants". The divide is growing between student and teacher and unless we begin to incorporate technology more and in ways that maximize the meaning, we will only further add to the reason why technologies in the classroom don't improve learning. It seems to me increasingly more important to bridge the divide in the classroom and involve the students in ways they are more comfortable learning in.

If your up for it this video compliments the arguement also.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the info about Clay Shirky. It was good to hear his point of view and have my own reinforced. I heard Sir Ken Robinson speak at this year's RISD graduation and it is one of the best graduation speeches I have ever heard.
